WE ARE All In On Soybeans

With the largest portfolio of actives in the world, ADAMA provides industry-leading solutions that help Canadian farmers protect against weeds and diseases. Our innovations are designed to make every season a success.

Now, you can upgrade your crop protection strategy with dual-action MAXENTIS®. This long-lasting fungicide offers superior resistance against white mould. MAXENTIS® also saves growers time thanks to its bulk-packaging options, easy application process and wide window of application. For superior efficacy and convenience, choose MAXENTIS®.

Soybean growers also have the option to suppress white mould with VANTANA. This Group 29 fungicide impairs the mould’s ability to produce energy, inhibiting the growth of spores and helping your soybeans thrive.

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Considerations for a short crop rotation in soybeans

The benefits of crop rotation are well known, and generally the longer the better. However, there are times when logistical challenges or economic factors may make a shorter rotation necessary. Instances of shorter rotation do have increased pressure from fungal diseases, but fortunately there are effective management options to help overcome this challenge.

MAXENTIS® fungicide

With soybeans and a short rotation, root rots and seedling diseases poise significant risk, and as such, a strong fungicide seed treatment is recommended1. Elevated foliar disease inoculum is also a concern, particularly White mould2. To help combat the impacts of these diseases, ADAMA Canada’s fungicide portfolio includes multiple products, utilizing various actives. This gives the grower the opportunity to choose the product best suited to their situation, based on their historical disease pressure.

New to the market from ADAMA Canada is MAXENTIS® fungicide, a powerful White mould product, powered by azoxystrobin and prothioconazole; actives both known to have efficacy on this disease.

During trials in southern Ontario, use of MAXENTIS® fungicide saw yields of up to 4 bu/ac when compared to a competitive product.

Soybeans Yield Results Chart

1 Chapter 8: Fungicidal Seed Treatments for Soybeans (sdstate.edu)
2 White Mould in Soybeans Can be Controlled (gov.on.ca)

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Herbicide tolerance issues in soybeans and corn

Herbicide tolerance traits are truly a marvel of modern technology, bringing new and powerful herbicide options into the crop production space. Unfortunately, there can also be unintended challenges associated with some of these products.

FOP-resistant Corn

In the case of 2,4-D tolerant corn – the Enlist® genetic platform – these varieties also possess the ability to metabolize the ‘fop’ graminicides1 (i.e., quizalofop-P-ethyl – Assure® or LEOPARD® herbicides). The ‘fop’ based herbicides are commonly used to control volunteer corn, however if the volunteer corn has the Enlist trait, the ability to metabolize the ‘fop’ chemistries will render these products ineffective. Luckily, there are also the ‘dim’ graminicides (i.e., clethodim – ARROW ALL IN®) that can be employed. Currently less common than the ‘fops’ for volunteer corn control in Eastern Canada, products like ARROW ALL IN herbicide can very effectively control volunteer corn; of all genetic platforms including those with the Enlist trait.

Tank Mixing with 2,4-D and/or Dicamba

Soybeans that are tolerant to dicamba (Xtend® or XtendFlex) or 2,4-D (Enlist or Enlist E3) rarely cause volunteer issues. However, these synthetic auxin herbicides can cause antagonism issues when tank mixed graminicides2. In the case of dicamba, this antagonism can be overcome by increasing the rate of the grass control product. With 2,4-D this antagonism is very severe with the ‘fop’ based products, with such tank mixes essentially preventing commercially acceptable control of grassy weeds (of particular concern for volunteer corn) regardless of rate. With the ‘dim’ herbicides (i.e., clethodim – ARROW ALL IN) and the antagonism with 2,4-D is far less, and commercially acceptable control of grassy weeds in a mix with a 2,4-D product can be achieved by increasing the rate of graminicide.

To learn how ARROW ALL IN may fit into your cropping system, click below.

1 Why in the World is Enlist Corn Resistant to the Fop Herbicides? | Integrated Crop Management (iastate.edu)
2 Synergistic and Antagonistic Herbicide Interactions

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Follow crop considerations after soybeans

Soybeans, like most crops, can be negatively impacted by weed pressure. The degree of impact will vary between weed species and the population density of the weeds, but a commonality across all potential weed-related scenarios is that early weed pressure is the most detrimental.

As such, ensuring weeds are not present at the time of crop emergence and up to the V3 stage is crucial1. And, while growers have numerous options to help achieve this ‘weed-free period’, consideration must also be given to a product’s residual activity; some herbicides may restrict what can be successfully grown the following season.

Fortunately, ADAMA Canada is aware of this challenge, and has a broad range of herbicides available for soybean protection, employing a wide range of active ingredients. Some of these products have strong residual activity and are a good fit for growers with heavy pressure of flushing weed species. In contrast, other products have minimal to no residual activity, controlling emerged weeds while providing flexibility of cropping options the following year.

To help growers whose cropping rotation may be challenged by herbicide residual concerns, ADAMA Canada has brought DAVAI® 80 SL herbicide to the Eastern Canadian market.

Active on a wide range of grassy and broadleaf weeds, DAVAI® 80 SL is a powerful post-emergent herbicide. Compatible with glyphosate and numerous other herbicides, DAVAI® 80 SL herbicide allows for a multi-mode of action approach to herbicide management, while allowing for the safe production of most commodity crops the following season.

Discover DAVAI 80 SL
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Soybean Solutions

The largest library of actives in the world gives you more flexibility in soybeans. See our portfolio of herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides.

Southbrae Farms in Teviotdale, Ontario, saw a 4 bu/acre increase in yield versus Delaro® Complete.


Soybeans Yield Results 2023 Click to enlarge
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